В топике Мое любимое время года – я расскажу, какой из четырех сезонов года мне нравится больше всего. Зима, весна и осень — хороши по-своему, но я люблю именно лето. И не только потому, что мой день рождения в июне, но и потому что это время каникул. Летом наша семья отправляется на отдых к морю. Это замечательное время, когда можно отдохнуть от напряженного учебного года. Погода стоит замечательная, много спелых ягод, фруктов и овощей, а поля полны красивых цветов. После летней грозы можно увидеть в небе радугу.
There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. All seasons are good in their own way. Winter, for example, is full of celebrations, presents and snow. Spring is the time of nature awakening and flower blooming. Autumn can be rainy and yet beautiful, full of multi-coloured leaves.
However, my favourite season is summer. I choose summer not only because my birthday is in June but also because it’s the time of holidays. Summer is the season when the sun shines brightly, the sky is rarely cloudy and the water in the sea becomes warm enough to swim. Even if it becomes too hot, you can always go for a walk in the shady woods. I also like summer because there are many berries, fruits and vegetables, not to mention numerous flowers on the fields. Among them roses, dandelions, daisies and other flowers. Sometimes the air in summer becomes stuffy, but occasional thunderstorms bring relief. After the thunderstorms the air becomes remarkably fresh and very often we can see the rainbow in the sky.
Summer is also the time when I and my family go on holiday to the seaside. It’s a wonderful time, when we can have a rest from the intense academic year and relax. I think all children love summer because of long school holidays and I’m no exception. I also enjoy my free time, playing with my friends, watching TV, and doing other fun activities. Nevertheless, I don’t forget to do some useful reading from time to time.
Достопримечательности москвы и санкт-петербурга на английском языке.
Доклад по английскому о цивилизации.
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My favourite season