London, the capital of Great Britain, is situated on the Thames River. It is the largest city in Europe with a population of eight and a quarter million. It is divided into four parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. The City is the business and commercial heart of London. Many banks, offices and firms are concentrated there. The Tower and St. Paul’s Cathedral are in the centre. The Tower is about 900 years old. Many years ago it was a royal residence, then a prison. Now it is a museum. St. Paul’s Cathedral is very large and fine. It was completed in 1710. The famous English architect Christopher Wren planned and built St. Paul’s Cathedral. If the City is the business part of London, Westminster is the centre of administration. We can see the Houses of Parliament there. It is a beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament stand in Parliament Square. Westminster Abbey is opposite the Houses of Parliament. Many great Englishmen were buried in Westminster Abbey. To the west of Westminster Abbey you can see Buckingham Palace. It is the royal residence. The ceremony of the changing of the guards which takes place in front of Buckingham Palace is of great interest to the tourists. Rich people live in the West End. The best and most expensive clubs, restaurants and theatres, beautiful houses and parks are there. The East End — the district of plants, factories, slums and docks — is for the working people. London is unlike any other city in the world. It has rather wide streets but low houses. It looks very grey because there is so much rain and fog there. Only buses and pillar-boxes are red. This city has never been planned and it has many parts which are different from each other.
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- MoscowMoscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic and cultural center. It was founded 8 centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Historians have accepted the year of 1147 as the start of Moscow’s history. Gradually the city became more and more powerful. In the 13th century Moscow was the center of the struggle of ... Читать далее...
- EnglandEngland is the largest and the richest part of GB. Its’ capital is London. The biggest industrial cities are London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, and other interesting cities as York, Chester, Oxford, and Cambridge. Stonehenge is one of the most popular prehistoric places in England. It is situate in the south-west of England. It is a ... Читать далее...
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- London — Лондон (5)The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the British Isles off the northwest coast of Europe. The British Isles consist of two large islands: Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 244.000 square kilometres. ... Читать далее...
London (9)