This amazing city is located in the south-east of Russia and is a capital of East Siberia. Irkutsk is situated near the lake Baikal and a lot of tourists visit it every year.
If you would like to stay in Irkutsk you can stay in The Angara Hotel or in The Gornyak Hotel. They are lovely places to stay in Irkutsk. They are both really friendly places. These two hotels are in the centre of the city and not far away from bus and tram stops.
For sightseeing, you should go to the centre. There are a lot of different historical buildings and museums. For example, you can visit The White House, which was the residence of the Governor of East Siberia in the nineteenth century and after that it was a centre of Soviet Power. Now it is the scientific library of Irkutsk State University and it is quite beautiful building and is worth going there. Also you can visit Okhlopkov’s Drama Theatre, different churches such as Catholic Cathedral or Spasskaya church. There are different museum as I’ve told before. For example, Irkutsk Museum of Regional studies. The building looks like a castle with four towers at the corners. The museum contains about three hundred thousand objects and represents a collection of minerals, stuffed animals and birds, samples of clothing and handicrafts.
There are some fantastic restaurants in Irkutsk. Or you can have lunch at one of the many cafes in the centre of the City. The food is usually very good and cost not really much as in restaurants.
Irkutsk is a rather big city, but the nightlife isn’t as crazy as in Moscow, but there are some good night clubs. Also you can spend your evening at the Okhlopkov’s Theatre or at one of the good pubs of Irkutsk.
Irkutsk is the good place to have an interesting holiday and it is worth visiting.
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