City & Guilds для нас — City & Guilds for us

English is a worldwide language. Nowadays knowing of English is very important aspect to get a good job in Russia. Knowledge of English gives you additional chance to find a well-paid job in the time of crisis. But it`s impossible to know the quality of English without a special certificate. That`s why more and more people want to get an international certificate. Such kinds of certificates show the real level of English. So if you are a student, a tourist, an immigrant, a person who is looking for a job abroad or in your own country and is planning to pass the English exam you should choose «City & Guilds»!

City & Guilds is aserious organization. There are about 100 Russian centers of British examination. I hope that Omsk will be one of them in the nearest future. The certificates of City & Guilds are accepted in all British Universities and many European Universities. Besides they are accepted by employers in business. The certificates have a great authority in management. I have just read that this year will be more difficult to receive visa to stay or study in Great Britain or for a trip to English Summer School without an international certificate. You see that if you have no certificate City & Guilds you won`t be able to study in the country of your dream. Thanks to City & Guilds you will be able to get a perfect education and a perfect job in different countries of the world.

As for me I`m going to pass the exam with the help of City & Guilds because I`m sure that thanks to it I will get a document which will help me to open the door of any university in the Europe. And it will be my first step for mybrighter future. I am sure that thanks to City & Guilds I will be a successful person! So don`t hesitate to know more information about City & Guilds.

Биография христофора колумба с переводом на английский и русский.
Достопримечательности москвы и санкт-петербурга на английском языке.

City & Guilds для нас — City & Guilds for us