Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the greatest composers of the world. Schubert said that «the magic of his music lights the darkness of our lives». Haydn believed him to be «the greatest composer». His music enchants and amazes music lovers. He was only 35 when he died in 1791. He had composed some 626 pieces: 24 operas, 49 symphonies, over 40 concerts, 26 string quartets. His most famous operas are «The Magic Flute» and «The Marriage of Figaro».
Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756 and started his career at a young age. His musician father taught him how to play one of the instruments at the age of three. Two years later, he gave his son a small violin; a few days later Wolfgang asked a group of musicians if he could join in. They laughingly agreed, but were surprised when he played his part perfectly. Mozart’s father was quick to exploit his son’s talent. Together with his sister, two years older and also very gifted, they toured Europe.
At the age of six, Wolfgang performed for Empress Maria Theresa. By the age of eight he had toured London, Paris, Rome, Geneva, etc. Four sonatas were published before he was nine. He could write down complex pieces after just one hearing. When he was only 14 years old, Wolfgang was appointed director of the Archbishop of Salzburg’s orchestra. He argued with him and left for Paris in 1777. In 1781 he settled in Vienna. Here Mozart had his most productive years. He was very famous and met all the great figures of his time. But then suddenly the Vienna aristocracy grew tired of him. He lost pupils and contracts and had to move from his comfortable house to a modest flat. The genius was forgotten. In 1791 Mozart died and was buried in a ditch in the Cemetery of St. Mark in Vienna.
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