[call to order] {v. phr.} 1. To open formally. The chairman called the committee to order. The president pounded with his gavel to call the convention to order. 2. To warn not to break
Идиома: in someone’s favor Перевод: в пользу кого-либо, в чью-либо пользу Пример: The judge decided the court case in our favor and we didn’t have to pay the court costs. Судья решил дело в
[stick together] {v.} To remain close together in a situation. Stick together in the cave so that no one gets lost. The gangstuck together after the game. Bill and Bob stick together in agame
Идиома: in ink Перевод: написанный ручкой, чернилами Пример: We were asked to write down our names and addresses in ink. Нас попросили написать ручкой наши имена и адреса.
Идиома: catch a cold Перевод: простудиться Пример: I caught a cold because of the rain and the cold weather. Из-за дождя и холодной погоды я простудился.
[front and center] {adv.}, {slang} Used as a command to a person togo to someone who wants him. Front and center, Smith. The bosswants to see you.
[break-up] {n.} The end of a relationship, personal or commercial. The break-up finally occurred when Smith and Brown decided to sue each other for embezzlement.
[gravy train] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} The kind of job that bringsin a much higher income than the services rendered would warrant. Jack’s job at the Athletic Club as Social Director is a regular gravytrain.
[put an end to] or [put a stop to] {v. phr.} 1. To make end; stop; end. The farmer built an electric fence around his fieldto put an end to trespassing. The principal said
[hold court] {v. phr.} 1. To hold a formal meeting of a royal courtor a court of law. Judge Stephens allowed no foolishness when heheld court. 2. {informal} To act like a king or